Joe was hired this year and had to quit because of having too many irons in the fire.
Samantha Matz was hired in March.Her duties are the Intro. into the show and camera as well as others.
Jacob Carstensen-Hired in August as D.J. in trainig
Stage Crew:2019-Cassandra-2018 and Charlie-20 19. Charlie went went on to other things as of Nov. 20th 2020.
Jordon Schafer was in training in 2017 and quit shortly after
Tim Keeler was hired in 2017 to help with setup and lighting and other.
The Small Show (Top)-Big Show (On Bottom)-2017
Mark was hired in 2016. He has finally got a job and retired from the show.
Wade-top and bubba-bottom pic-past members of the show.
The History Wall at Tha Door-502 (1963-?
I hauled everything with a car and truck back in the 1980s-90s. Then switched to one Cargo van.
Names of the above people are:Veronica,Mike, Ryan, Bubba, and Wade-2016-2018.
Dave was hired in 2011 while Paul was in the hospitol. He now helps when we deal with steps at a venue.
Gerri was hired in 2010 to sew backdrops for our show.
Paul Rolf was hired in 2010. He helped with setup and did PR for the show. He died in June of 2018.
In the early 2000s alot changed. I hired Dawayne and Austin to help me. Dewayne hauled most of the equipment with his van And I hauled some of the small lights with my car. Austin helped on all the High School Venues where we had to watch what we played. All helped with Setup. We had alot more equipment by then and we were starting to play the larger venues along with the small. Not pictured is Austin. They both moved out of town.
In the early 90s-I had Mark Marish hauling and helping with setup. I now had to have a pickup and car to move equipment with. He died Sept. 2018.
This is the Switchbox that I used back in the late 80s. Pictured is my oldest daughter. Not pictured is Vince Jonas who helped with the show back then.